Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12, 2013

Hi everyone,

So much has been happening and I want to share it with you.  After practicing my hand at eco-dyeing, I've been stenciling designs on the onesies.  My most recent work includes Halloween and fall items.
Take a look and see what you think!

Today I'm going to work on decorating bibs.  A local toy store that has taken some of my onesies on consignment suggested that I make some bibs for their store.  I will also be getting some farm themed onesies together to show a store that expressed interest in that line.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions! Thanks.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What are your favorite natural dyes?

Hey guys!

What are your favorite natural dyes? And what colors do they make?

One of my favorites is the cochineal dye which produces a bright red.

Friday, August 16, 2013

How dangerous are synthetic dyes for your child's skin?

There are a lot of conflicting reports on the web about whether or not dyes are as harmful as they seem. In our day and age, it is nearly impossible to avoid synthetic dyes entirely. They are in everything from Jello, vitamins and candy, to pickles, flowers and even diapers! While we cannot eradicate synthetic dyes from our lives, we can make a conscious effort to avoid them when reasonably possible.

Some interesting points to note include:

American children have been found in one study to have 18 times more chemicals in their systems than their parents. These chemicals include PBDE's (flame retardants) and phthalates (property of plastics). Where are these chemicals present? Foods, body lotions/washes and clothing.
Health risks of PBDE's (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) include liver, thyroid and neurological damage, with an extreme health risk to fetuses, babies and children. Health risks of phthalates (found in our children, soft toys, lotions, shampoos, cosmetics etc.) include disrupted hormone levels and reproductive defects. See’-bodies/ for a full list of dangerous chemicals in our food and clothing, along with medical studies information.

Dye workers in dye plants are 40% more likely to develop tumors, cancers and various diseases. A study in Japan found that dye workers were at an increased risk of developing cancers (including lung), cerebrovascular disease and tumors. These increased numbers have been noted at dye factories in America as-well.

Corporate America, including Wal-Mart, Target and Gap, put pressure on harmful dye companies to mass produce synthetic dyes, despite known environmental impacts.  In one town in China, over 22,000 tons of harmful post dye bath materials were dumped in a river, killed off the fish life and turned the river red, and then into a sludge. Towns, ecosystems and lifeforms were devastated by the pollution. The corporations behind these devastations have not taken responsibility for these travesties. See this Wall Street article for more on the environmental impacts of synthetic dye manufacturing in countries that do not regulate their dye production and pollution impacts.

Synthetically dyed clothing do impact our children's skin! Research has shown that our children have high levels of harmful toxins and chemicals in their systems that could have been transferred over from their clothing. Our skin is porous and absorbent which means that prolonged exposure to synthetic dyes, made with toxins and carcinogens, could have long lasting impacts on our health. In Europe, many of the most harmful dyes have been banned from the markets, but the United States has yet to begin a campaign again dyes that include known carcinogens. Synthetic dyes in our clothing are believed to contribute to rashes, skin irritations, eczema, acne, headaches, problems concentrating and even allergies.’-bodies/

As previously noted, avoiding synthetic dyes all around is near impossible (imagine the hassle trying to find business casual outfits made from organic cotton and plant dyes...) but whenever  you have the opportunity to do so, try purchasing an eco-friendly, naturally dyed (or better yet, eco-printed) garment. Your environmental footprint will be ever so slightly diminished and you will be contributing to a growing movement against harmful chemicals. Let's become a little more green everyday.

Follow this link for some eco-printed, 100 percent organic cotton, hand-painted infant clothing I am working on.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What Natural Dyes Make These Colors?

Quick, what natural dyes make muted pinks and purples?

Check out this organic, naturally dyed onesie on my etsy!

Answer: Ferns and Logwood Bark!

Eco-printing, dyeing, hand-painting, oh my!

Hey y'all!

My Etsy is finally up and running. After several months of chronicling my journey and learning more and more about natural dyeing, I am now finally starting to showcase my products on my easy account. Come check out my items for sale and please give me any feedback you may have. Happy browsing!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13th, 2013

Hi everyone!  Welcome back.  After my trip to Wisconsin for the India Flint workshop, I have been busy painting, dyeing and now eco-dyeing.  My most recent work has focused on improving my technique in getting the print from plants onto the cotton fabric.  Over the last two days I have been able to get a few good impressions, including that of several zinnia flowers.  I love the anticipation of opening up a bundle to see what the results are.

Here's an interesting onesie that was folded and dyed with logwood.  The band in the middle looked like it needed some embellishment, so I decided to try leaf pounding using redbud leaves.  Some of the leaves were more purple, while another was green.  I have washed this garment several times without the leaf impressions fading.Take a look at the results.

close-up of the leaves
onesie dyed in logwood

Sunday, July 14, 2013

MISA Workshop Continued.....

July 14th, 2013

    It has been a busy and rewarding week.  I have learned the basics about eco-printing and can't wait to get started back here.  The recommended fabrics to bring were silk and wool, both of which were not available at the local JoAnn Fabrics, so I bought cotton and muslin.  The reason silk and wool were suggested is that they take the color and print the best.  My first attempt with the cotton yielded disappointing results.  I learned that cotton does not take up the color unless it has been pre-mordanted.

First Attempt

The instructor suggested that I use a milk mordant to bring out some color.  This was new to me, but I was told that a cellulose fabric needs a protein to set it.  I went back and redid a couple of the squares along with some donated silks.  One of the aspects of working with a small group like this is that everyone is willing to share.  Lucky for me!

Second Attempt

 This second attempt yielded better results.  The top two in the middle are silk.

Final Project
 Once all of the pieces were dyed, we stitched them together.  You can see the piece in the middle does not have much color on it.  I did not re-dye this piece, but chose to use it with other dyed pieces on top. We thought we were done at this point, but she surprised us by cutting up her sample into quarters and positioning it on another piece of fabric.  In fact, we could make those pieces even smaller!  I did not have the right piece of fabric to mount mine on, so I will complete it once I find something.

Book Before Dyeing

Another project we worked on was to make a book out of paper.  We stitched pieces of fabric onto the paper, then cut it so that it could be folded.  Here is mine before going into the dye bath.

The next step was to fill the pages with plant material found outside.  Above are a few pictures of my collections.  Once all of the pages have been filled, the book is wrapped tightly in a cloth and placed in the dye bath.


Final Outcome

This book can now be refolded and kept for notes and thoughts as I wander on my journey of eco-printing.  All in all this has been a wonderful workshop.  I enjoyed the company of my fellow dyers, the bike rides into town, the exploration at an Indian cemetery, the homemade soup by India Flint, the Apples to Apples game at night and of course, learning how to eco-dye!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 9th, 2013

Hello from Wisconsin!  I am excited to tell you that I am attending a 5 day workshop entitled Wayfarer's Wanderbook and Windfall Cloth on Madeline Island.  This workshop is with India Flint, the author of Eco Colour.

She creates beautiful printed cloth or clothing using plants, bark and other items found in the outdoor environment. Day 1 consisted of making 3 bundles for the dye pot.  The 1st bundle included items gathered from the ground and placed on a square of cloth.  To this bundle we added a rock and wrapped it up tightly with a handmade cord!

handmade cord


a surprise visitor

 For the 2nd bundle, we were allowed to pick items, wrap them up very tightly and add to the pot of water.  The 3rd and last bundle was wrapped around a stick.  Here are some pictures of the dye pot before water was added.

For myself, the results of my pieces were not as impressive due to my fabric choice of cotton.  Silk and wool work best unless the cotton is mordanted.

my samples

silk and wool samples
goodies on the line drying

 More about this workshop later.......!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Learning As I Go......

July 1st, 2013

I have been busy, no I mean really busy!  With the exception of a trip to Arizona for my grandson's baptism, I have been scouring, mordanting and dyeing onesies.  Here I have my workstation set up outside.

For those of you who live on the East coast, we haven't seen much sun recently, so I have had to move inside.  In addition, the outlet to plug the cooktop in has stopped working, so some trouble shooting needs to happen before setting up there again.

Below are some of the most recent onesies I've dyed.  The last one has some interesting markings from folding the garment before adding it to the dye pot.  All of these onesies were dyed with natural powered dyes.
logwood dye

logwood flower

weld flower

madder dye
madder dye

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Synthetic Dyes Can Be Harmful!

Did you know that your skin is the largest absorption organ of your body? Especially as it heats up, your pores will begin to breathe more, meaning that everything you put on your skin could potentially be absorbed by your skin. Synthetic dyes are used in almost everything we wear, so why not explore whether or not they are entirely safe?

Synthetic dyes have enabled us to create beautiful colors at a low cost that are wash proof. However, they can pose serious problems for people. Synthetic dyes can introduce toxins to your body through your pores, into your blood stream and eventually to your organs. Skin irritation is much more common today than it has been in the past which could be linked to harmful synthetic dyes. Over 8,000 chemicals are used to produce the synthetic dyes that color our garments. These dyes can contribute to eczema, rashes, headaches and even nausea. For example, did you know that wrinkle free or easy care garments have formaldehyde in them? Formaldehyde is an embalming agent and in 2011, was deemed a carcinogenic agent ( Many countries in the world forbid the use of formaldehyde in clothing because of how harmful it is believed to be. Two of the largest countries who do not ban it however are America and China. Dioxins and heavy metals (like copper) are also in synthetic dyes and are also considered carcinogens (

Beware of the type of fabric you are wearing as well. Pesticides and strong herbicides and fungicides are all used in the production and treatment of cottons and wool. If you can find organic fabrics, it is best for you, especially if you have sensitive skin. An interesting fact about organic cotton is that only 1% of the world's cotton is grown organically.

It is hard to be 100% green and to find organic, naturally dyed clothing. However, when you do find a company that produces this standard of clothing, it could be worthwhile to consider trying a few pieces.

Some great resources on this are listed below:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Is Alum a Safe Mordant for Baby Clothes?

Yes! I use alum in my mordant process. Mordanting is a means by which to help the fabric take the dye. Depending on whether or not your fabric is a plant based material versus an animal based material (wool), you will need to choose different types of mordants. Some dyes do not require mordants. Avocados and walnut hull dyes for example do not require mordants to adhere to the fabrics. 

Aluminum Sulfate (alum) is a substance found in the earth and can be used to help brighten colors. It can also extend the color life on the fabric. It however can be an irritant if applied to the skin. For my dyeing, only  a small quantity of alum is required. After I wash the garment, it is perfectly safe for an infant to wear.

To make sure alum was a safe mordant, I contacted the regional poison control center number listed on the Center for Disease Control website. The operator informed me that after the garment is properly washed, the alum should not be harmful to the child. He also informed me that large volumes of alum must be ingested in a child with kidney deficiencies, in order for it to have poisonous effects. 

It is very important when dyeing, that you make sure that all of the elements you use are safe for you or your family and friends. I recommend contacting the free poison control number (1-800-222-1222) to verify that all of your substances are safe. 

Happy and safe dyeing!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Leaf Pounding on Textiles

May 31st 2013

Sorry folks! It has been a while since I have been able to update my blog. Recently, I have been exploring stamping on textiles to see what works best. Stamping on fabric is much different than stamping on paper because of how the fabric moves. You want the stamp to both be attractive and be able to move with the fabric and not stretch out.

Sticking with the organic and natural feel of my current endeavors, I decided to attempt to pound various plants onto fabrics to see how this would work out. Pounding is a great way to transfer natural colors onto fabrics. My first pounding attempt was with a pretty blue flower called a spider wart. I used a piece of cotton knit fabric and proceeded to try a couple pounding techniques. As with all my pounding projects, I placed the flower between two pieces of fabric. My first attempt was with a rubber mallet, which did not work for me. The color did not transfer. I then used a small rubber hammer, which transferred small crescent shapes. The larger hedge hammer worked the best for me. I made swift, short taps, and outlined the flower to transfer the color. The color was successfully transferred but the shape is a little distorted.

Spider wart Flower
Spider wart flower pounding

My next attempt at pounding was with a Red Bud leaf. I placed the leaf between two textiles and pounded it with the larger hammer, with small, swift strokes. The color and shape came out very well.

Red wood leaf
Red wood leaf pound
Here is another experiment with some leaves I found outdoors. Hey, if anyone knows what they are, give me a shout out! I'm still trying to figure it out. I pounded them both on a knit piece of fabric and on top of one of my pink onesies that I dyed using... Can you guess? Fern leaves!

Leaf pounding

Fern dyed onsie with leaf pounding

My last pounding attempt was with a miniature lilac stem from a bush. I used the same techniques for the pounding as before and also placed it on a fern dyed onesie.

Lilac pounded design on fern dyed onsie

So, how well do these natural stamps hold up you might ask? Well, I tried washing all of the garments and fabric clips after I finished them and believe it or not, the stamps stuck! This is a fun activity for you and your kids to try. You can make your own, nature inspired, stamped clothes at home. So go outside, pick a leaf or flower that intrigues you, and give it a shot.

Little b's little model: Hyacinth dyed onesie with fabric paint stamp

Just wanted to share a picture of my inspiration for my onsesie creation adventure! Here is my Grandson, Erich, modeling one of my hyacinth dyed onesies with a bicycle stamp.

I used a wooden handle stamp, a little sponge, and a black fabric paint. I sponged the paint on the stamp and then transferred the stamp onto the onesie. See my previous blog, on May 23rd 2013 about how to stamp garments. This onesie was washed and the color and stamp stayed.

What do you guys think of fabric paints?

Baby Erich in his onesie

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Learning to Stamp

May 23rd, 2013

A lot has happened since my last blog.  Like the picture to the left, the recent addition of some stamps and products has led to some experimenting!  I discovered that too much paint on the stamp left a sloppy image.  After several tries, I found that using a sponge to apply the paint to the stamp worked the best.  You get a nice image this way.

I have also been experimenting with the removal of color.  The piece to the right has been stamped with a paint that is supposed to disappear when ironed and washed.  It has been ironed, but not washed so I can't say it will disappear, but I will let you know.

These two pictures show a bee stamp that was sponged with a product to remove color.  If you look closely, the one above shows the outline of the bee before ironing.  After being pressed, the image of the bee appears!

Look at this beautiful color!  It was achieved with hyacinth flowers.  It's so fun to see what you get depending on what you use.  The final outcome is below.  I love it!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here Come the Supplies!

May 16th, 2013

The dyes are in and I can't wait to start!  The only problem is that I don't have the clothing yet.  I've learned that in order to get a demo garment to look at, you need to provide your tax or business ID and other state tax information related to your business.  It seems like there are a lot of forms to fill out and I still don't know if I have everything.  I guess I'll have to call and see if there is anything else I need. Soooo much to learn...........

I do have a couple of samples coming, but in the mean time I can experiment with squares of fabric.  One of the books I just received with the dyes calls for everything in metric, so I ordered a couple of other things:

Once everything comes in, this is what I hope to have cooking in my garage; beautiful isn't it?